Sunday, October 11, 2009

Book Recommendation


Last night, I started reading a novel. The title of the book is, "Patriots." It is written by James Wesley Rawles. The Amazon Link is: .

This is not a book review because I have only read the first two chapters. However, I can tell that this work is important for others to read. If you suspect that the our government's behavior is taking our nation and the entire world down a path to economic and social collapse, James Wesley Rawles paints a, I believe, near future scenario that is realistic and tells how his characters were prepared to face for what followed. Since I don't know how the book ends, I can't spoil the story for anyone. Based on what I've read, if you care anything about the Constitution of the USA, I recommend that others read it too.

Charles J. Patricoff
Author of the Civil War Series: Destination Hope

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009 – Bible Study – Psalm 55:1-23

What is the main point?
It is a fearful thing for us, who understand righteousness and desire to live upright lives, to see wickedness abound (vs 4), and to see our leaders - elected leaders - act wickedly (vs 3). Where is the justice for the American citizen taxpayer? Are we reduced to nothing but subjects to BHO and his cronies? Why did he and his wife, and their friends have to fly to Denmark to make another speech, and why did they have to take separate planes - all at the expense of American citizens? Who would have benefited if they had won the Olympic prize? The questions are endless because wickedness knows no bounds.

What does God reveal about Himself?
Yet, God sees, He hears, and He knows the judgment He plans for the wicked. BHO has violated his covenant (vs 20) - to protect and defend the Constitution, which he considers to be fundamentally flawed. God will let BHO and his house (including his Czar friends) go down alive to Sheol, for evil is in his dwelling, and in his midst (vs 15).

What insights can I apply to my life?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). Our God is our refuge (vs 8). Even when He brings terrible calamity upon our nation for its many grievous sins, I know I can trust Him (vs 23).

How can I honor God with this passage?
I choose to repent of my sins - open and secret - for only when I humble myself under the mighty hand of God can He raise me up to be the man He intends - a light unto the Gentiles and a hope to His people - Israel.