Tuesday, June 16, 2009

July 4th Tea Party Update

To Denver Area Tea Party Participants:

The July 4, 2009 Tea Party is moving from the Capital Building to a public park in Arvada. The information is included in the URL below. A Veterans Organization is planning a picnic in the park between the Colorado State House and the City & County Buildings. Tea Party Organizers determined that we did not want to have a conflict with the Veterans and their family members.

The format is also changed from a one hour event to an all afternoon into the evening Independence Day celebration (bring your own picnic basket).

Another idea for Tea Party Signs: Five gallon wooden paint stirring sticks available for free from any paint store, make great, light-weight, poster holders.

I don't know where I will camp at the park, but I will have a sign that says, "The Constitution Matters."



1 comment:

shirts4freedom said...

Some Tea Party shirts are at http://tinyurl.com/superfreedom